12 February 2008

Scrap Time

Ah, I finally got some scrap time today. It took me all weekend to clean off my desk and I finally got to open my February LP Kit today. OMGosh, I'm in love (surprise!) and I'm gonna have to see if Shellye has another! I hope something sells so I can pay for it LOL.

I got my dolls from Marcene yesterday - SO CUTE!!! I'll post a pic as soon as I can. Check out her blog and order one!

Did I ever tell you my parents were here this past week? Well, they were and they left yesterday. I wish they could've stayed a little longer but I'll see them again next month for Ethan's birthday.

Speaking of which, I've no idea what to do! He wanted a bowling party but we only know 6 kids here (I know BAD MOMMY!) and the minimum is 8. I'd rather stay home with the family and cut a cake but if he's gotta have friends there, then I'm outsourcing!! LOL Let somebody else clean it up!

I'm gonna try to sneak another page with my kit and then maybe something for ebay or etsy.

G'nite all!


  1. Your work always leaves me in awe! I hope you find a couple more kids for the party :)

  2. love that lo sis :D

    i can't believe ethan is gonna be FOUR!!! HOLY CRAP! lol i hope you find more kiddo's or figure out where to take all of them. what about chuck e cheeses? i personally hate that place LOL but maybe you don't? or hopefully you can find more kids for the bowling alley. good luck and love you MUAH


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