06 September 2008


Ethan started Pre-K this past Thursday (wahhhh!). He's only going 2 half days a week because the 3 day program was full and I wanted to ease him into it. If he loves it (so far, so good) I might do 5 half days. My heart was racing (read: broken) but I didn't cry. Not once. So what if I made my husband drive there right after I dropped Ethan off to check on him. I didn't cry. I'm a trouper :)

So, here are some pictures of my big boy on his very first day of school:

He's such a big boy and I'm SO proud!


  1. Yahoooo for Ethan!! What an adorable, big boy he is already!!!!!(well, he has always been adorable!!)

  2. awwwwwwwwwwwwww...he's so handsome and looks so excited and proud! What a sweetheart! PS. Love your front door!

  3. Soo cute!! Lucas started preschool this year too, I know how it feels to leave our little BIG boys at school for the first time!

  4. I'm sure you've heard this before, but I just have to say it again..they grow up so quick! I swear my son was that little just yesterday, but somehow he is now 16 and I'm just as proud of him now as I was then! Enjoy!


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