Well, recently he painted most of the house and that required LOTS of painter's tape. "Here you go, babe; maybe you can use these." Heavy sigh, rolling eyes, grab the empty rolls & throw them in my 'alterables' drawer. Hopefully, he'll forget and I'll sneak them in the garbage when he isn't looking. But then I think maybe I better not; I may need them for something one day (I am a crafter, after all!!).
So, I decided yesterday to do a diorama. Don't laugh! Doesn't it sound so 7th grade? I'm excited though. It's been a LOOOONG time since I thought of something creative all on my own. Seems like I've been making the same things over and over. So, I'm thrilled to have made these and now I'm showing you. I hope you like them!! You may see them on Etsy soon (if I can bear to part with them!).
PS They look so much prettier in real life! LOL Oh well, you get the idea!